How To Get To Your Adventure
Getting To Carlingford Couldn't Be Easier...
Getting to Carlingford from Dublin or Belfast is quite easy. We are located roughly an hour from each. Simply follow the directions below.
From Dublin
On the M1, travel towards Belfast (Dundalk).
Travel on M1 to Dundalk North Exit and take exit off at Junction 18- signposted (R152) N52 Dundalk North Carlingford
Take 4th exit off at next roundabout signposted Carlingford R173 and travel to next roundabout and take 2nd exit off signposted Carlingford Follow signs to Carlingford. Travel approx. 18km & take the exit to the left signposted Carlingford.
From Belfast
Head south out of Belfast on the M1 towards Dublin (Dundalk).
Take the A1 exit toward Sprucefield & at Sprucefield Roundabout, take the 2nd exit onto A1
Take the B113 exit towards Newry, then follow signs for the The Quays Shopping Centre. Turn left at the traffic lights taking you along the side of Newry canal, it’s on your left, and the shopping centre is on your right. From here it’s 11miles to Carlingford. Drive straight on to Omeath and then straight to Carlingford.

How To Get To Your Adventure Without a Car
Take A Look At Public Transport...
For Timetables Contact
Dundalk Train Station – 00 353 (0)42 933 5521
Dundalk Bus Station – 00 353 (0)42 933 4075
Newry Bus Station – 00 44 (0)28 306 23531
Newry Train Station – 00 44 (0)28 302 69271
Monday to Saturday
Dundalk – Carlingford – Newry
Dundalk – 08.00 09.00 12.00 16.10 18.10
Giles Quay – 08.20 09.20 12.20 16.35 18.35
Bush School – 08.30 (School Days only)
Whitestown – 12.30 16.40 18.40
Greenore – 08.40 09.40 12.40 17.00 18.50
Carlingford – 08.50 09.40 12.50 17.10 19.00
Omeath – 09.00 09.50 13.00 1720
Newry (arrival) – 09.15 10.00 13.15 17.45
Monday to Saturday
Newry – Carlingford – Dundalk
Newry – 10.30 13.30 18.00
Omeath – 07.40 10.45 13.45 18.15
Carlingford – 07.50 10.50 13.50 18.25 19.00
Greenore – 08.00 11.00 14.00 18.35
Whitestown – 08.05
Bush School – 15.50 (School Days only)
Giles Quay – 08.15 11.10 14.10 16.00 18.50 1935
Ravensdale – 11.25
Dundalk (arrival) – 08.40 11.40 14.40 16.20 19.05 19.40